Bioderma Sensibio H2O

25th anniversary campaign
Bioderma Laboratories is a privately owned French pharmaceutical company that specialises in medication for dermatological and hair/scalp conditions, as well as for Pediatry and cell regeneration.

Bioderma marked a significant milestone, commemorating the 25th anniversary of its iconic and top-selling product, Sensibio H2O, through a global campaign dedicated to celebrating women's empowerment on a worldwide scale. This campaign was a tribute to the strength and sensitivity of women, transcending age, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds, as they make personal, professional, and intimate choices.

No matter the path they choose, every choice deserves respect.

The task of orchestrating and executing this social campaign in Iran was entrusted to Daarvag International Advertising Agency, which proficiently managed two core components: the social campaign and BTL activities.


The global campaign slogan was originally designed in English and handwritten. We needed to rewrite and redesign this slogan for Iranian consumers while adhering to the visual characteristics of the global slogan. The difference in writing styles between English and Persian presented a challenge. Numerous studies were conducted for each letter and ultimately we attempted to design the best possible layout and localize the slogan as effectively as possible.


Prior to the campaign, the client aimed to unveil Bioderma products in the market with a limited-edition packaging design. In light of budgetary constraints and customer preferences, our solution involved crafting a distinctive label. This label seamlessly integrated into the original packaging, successfully set the products apart as envisioned.

video localization 

One of the most fascinating and challenging parts of this campaign was the global video localization. In line with the message of the campaign, we sought out ambassadors who had made choices in their personal and professional lives that had completely altered their life path. These were women whom we might all find some among us by looking around.

The search for these ambassadors ultimately led to collaboration with seven different individuals who regardless of age and diverse beliefs, had each in their own way made a choice at some point in their lives that divided their life into before and after. Choices that ultimately are admirable and respectable.


Nesa Azadikhah     |     Yassi Hejazi     |     Maryam Mohebbi     |     Niloofar Farahmand     |     Kiana Yarahmadi     |     Laleh Seddigh     |     Maryam Talaee

[client] : Bioderma
[agency] : Daarvag International
[year] : 2020